Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2009

University! Sports! wuah.

Just thinking back to the food we ate at the friends' place. haha. was really delicious.
Here you can see some curry - meat - noodles - dish.

My friends' mom cooked it. yummi yummi. We watched Narnia part 2 that day and I diagnosed a non unrecoverable paedophile one of my friends suffers from :D she was totally into some of the younger actors who played in the movie.
Anyway, I bought the whole Smallville - Season 5 DVD today. So thinking about watching some episodes now. I loved the serie some years ago. Coulnd't get enough of it but I'm not sure whether i watched the 5th season already..Anyway, the reason, why I am writing: I finally bought some good running-shoes!!! So i can do some jogging or sports now, without suffering from a terrible headache afterwards. I hope, they will help me to get less lazy and to do more sports as from now.My new adidas shoes!

ohhh AND: I sent my application to the University!!! So i came to the decision to study informatics. wuaha. so scary to be so determined..

Will watch TV now.

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