Montag, 17. August 2009


As I mentioned before, I was dancing on Saturday!!! I was missing ballroom dancing already.
I quitted mhh maybe like 1 1/2 or 2 years ago, because my dancing partner had a fight with the teacher and due to that, he was thrown out of the dancing school ._. Consequently, I was like partnerless and had to quit there, too.

This is the terrace we spent time when we were not dancing in the hall.

These are the real dancing students (me and my friend were only like visitors there)
They were totally young and I felt terribly old!! But at least I was the better dancer haha.

Here, me sitting next to my friend :D My feet hurt a lot that day..

The girl you can see on the right made me feel so old-fashioned and conservative! She was like sitting around and talking to almost every guy, wearing a very low-slung skirt so one could see everything she wore under it. disgusting. and cheap. Of course, her t-shirt had a great plunging neckline. I was like starirng at her and wasnt thinking of very nice things in that moment :D
However, the view from the building was great, we stayed there till dusk, and there were so many stars shining. Oh and I saw a shooting star! twice!! soo great *.*
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